‘Intelligible standpoint’ 2010
‘Intelligible standpoint’ 2010
‘Endless green’ 2008
‘Sitting in my room, too tough to die’ / SUMO STUDIO 2009
. video
‘Doi Saket’ / SUMO STUDIO 2008
‘Vibration lake’ / SUMO STUDIO 2008. video
‘Vibration Park’ / SUMO STUDIO 2007
‘Untitled’ 2007
‘Le Pain Perdu’ 2007
‘Untitled (Double Table)’ 2004
‘Deaf travel’ 2005
‘Sanduhr’ (5 hours) 2011
© 2025 Kuo-Wei Lin and VG Bildkunst. No reproduction or republication without written permission, all rights reserved.
‘The present (Bahnhof Alexanderplatz)’ 2012
“The present (Schönhauser Allee)” 2012
‘To gather together, white loop’ 2012. video
‘Der Kontrapunkt, punctus contra punctum, ‘ 2012
‘Jungle Gym’ 2013
‘Asphalt Bokeh’ 2013
+ WHITE FUNGUS magazine interview
‘Cosmetric’ 2014
‘Inevitable frictions’ 2014. video
‘Temperature surfing on a long bench’ 2015
‘Interstice in anonymous transfer (Auto save)’
‘Interstice - Mute Rack Allowance’ 2015
‘Interstice - Fruit resistance. The non-expiry report’ 2015
‘Right Hand Catcher Left. Vice versa’ 2015
‘To stock the interval’ 2016
Born in 1982 in Taiwan, Kuo-Wei Lin moved to Paris in 2000 and enrolled at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Lyon in 2002. After attending the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig in 2005, he earned a Master of Art degree from Chelsea College of Art in London in 2007. In 2010, he participated in projects at the Institute für Kunst im Kontext, Universität der Künste Berlin, and in 2012 he earned his Meisterschüler at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee.
In Lin’s new work, he is focusing in the interlocking material relation of the audios, the visuals and the tactics. From a traditional craft to the industrial. Lin intends to extract the object and shifts it from its original purpose.
He often works with delicate phenomena such as wind, heat and sound, and takes different forms from photography to sculpture, installation to publishing and beyond.
The transience of Lin’s life as a long-term Taiwanese expatriate constantly influences his observations. In his work, he attempts to reconfigure materials and to intervene in our everyday reading of absurd phenomena, forming ambivalent questions about the experiences of daily life. He endeavours to understand the odd in the ordinary and the insignificant in the monumental by decoding and reconstructing the context. In his view, understanding a given context begins with identifying the exceptional and making possible a novel interaction with it. Lin’s works explore, articulate, reform, and give certain accents to contradictory spaces in relation to social topology and his individual experience of displacement.
Kuo-Wei Lin has exhibited his works at the Larnaca Biennale, Cyprus (2023); Missread HKW, Berlin (2022); Papier Marché, Steirischer Herbst, Austria (2021); einBuch.haus Berlin (2020); Taipei Fine Arts Museum (2016); the Taipei Biennial (2014); the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei (2013); the Institut Français Berlin, Germany (2012); the Centre Emile Hamilius, Casino Luxembourg (2011); the Uferhallen, Berlin (2010); Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei (2009); the Manggha Centre of Japanese Art and Technology, Krakow, Poland (2008); the Tate Britain, London (2007); and the Goethe-Institut Lyon, France (2006).
He also collaborates in an artist run self-publishing collective since 2019: ANDPRESS.
He lives and works in Berlin and Bremen.
‘Untitled (Long standing practice)’ 2005
► Exhibition
SWAB Barcelona Art Fair
* Solo exhibition
To the Sea, with Her Names
KIKAgallery Kyoto
7.6.2024 - 14.7.2024
HIGURE 17-15.cas Tokyo
3.8.2024 - 11.8.2024
Entangled Tokens
* Solo exhibition
KIKA gallery, Kyoto, Japan
14.-30.07 2023
► Lecture & Workshop
NRW Kunsthaus
Essen als Kulturelle Landschaft
With Evamaria Schaller, Yipei Lee, Dawid Liftinger and Kuo-Wei Lin
8.9.2024 at 12:00 - 14:30
University of Arts Bremen, HfK Großer Theorieraum, Am Speicher XI, Bremen
Invited by Klasse Ingo Vetter
20.12.2023 at 18:00
► Publication project
“The Food is Good. The Weather is Nice. What Have You Been Up To?”
Published by Islandset. Curated by SUAVEART
Support: National Culture and Arts Foundation, Taiwan
Support: Kunststiftung NRW, Germany
Missread, Berlin 11.-13. 10. 2024
Indiecon – Independent Publishing Festival Hamburg 6.-8. 9. 2024
* Frankfurter Book Fair 18.-22. 10 2023
Between Books Art Book Fair at Kunsthalle Düsseldorf 9.11. – 12.11.2023
Book Launch “Shishishi” at Heterotopia Library, Singapore Art Museum 2.12.2023
Taipei International Book Exhibition (台北國際書展), TAIPEI WORLD TRADE CENTER
Feb 20-25, 2024
Book pre-order link: https://forms.gle/iSM98zDQPXRzwc2HA
“In Fragments”
Bremer Zine Festival 2023, Städtische Galerie Bremen / ANDPRESS
8, 9, 10. September 2023. Fr 14 - 19:00
► Travel grant
Travel grant for THE MELODY OF REMEDY project, Kunststiftung NRW, Germany
► Residency
Gwangju Museum of Art, South of Korea (Postponed event)
2020 Grants for Artist in residency, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts (KaMoFA), Taiwan
Gwangju Museum of Art, South of Korea
‘Synesthesia’ 2016
‘In fragments’ 2023
‘Amplifier’ 2023
‘Overcoming oceans’ 2023
‘Tokens talk’ 2023
‘Commemoria’ 2023
‘Hammering memories’ 2023
‘Thermograms’ - 2021