Kuo-Wei Lin

lives and works in Berlin and Bremen

(b. 1982)


2012 Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee, KHB, Berlin | Diplom und Meisterschüler

2010 Institut für Kunst im Kontext, Universität der Künste, UdK, Berlin

2007 Chelsea College of Art & Design, London | MA Fine Art

2006 Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, HGB, Leipzig | BRFE Bourse de la Région Rhône-Alpes

2005 École Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Lyon | Diplôme National d’Art Plastique.


2024 SWAB Barcelona Art Fair, Barcelona, Cat (Solo)

2024 To the Sea, with Her Names, HIGURE 17-15.cas Tokyo, Japan

2024 To the Sea, with Her Names, KIKA Gallery, Kyoto, Japan

2023 To the Sea, with Her Names, Larnaca Biennale, Cyprus

2023 Entangled Tokens, KIKA Gallery, Kyoto, Japan (Solo)

2023 Nuage-Éclair, Grnd Zero, Lyon, France

2022 Missread, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin, Germany (ANDPRESS)

2021 Papier Marché,  Steirischer Herbst, Graz, Austria (ANDPRESS)

2020 Global Swarming - Theoretical Fun,, Berlin, Germany (ANDPRESS)

2019 BOOKCOVERCOVER, ART BOOK BERLIN, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin, Germany (ANDPRESS)

2017 Openstudio, Hangar, Barcelona, Cat

2016 Synesthesia, NON Berlin, Berlin, Germany (Solo)

2016 The Way Things Go 物.理, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan  (Cat.)

2015 Interstice, Michael Ku Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan (Solo)

2015 Anesthesia, Tête project space, Berlin, Germany (Duo)

2014 Taipei Biennial, The Great Acceleration, Taipei, Taiwan (Cat.)

2013 NO ONE RIVER FLOWS, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts (KaMoFA), Taipei, Taiwan (Cat.)

2013 Collective Diary / Hal할Project, space Mass, Seoul, Korea

2013 PREVIEW BERLIN ART FAIR, Berlin, Germany (Cat.)

2013 More or Less, WCW Gallery, Hamburg, Germany

2012 Ausgerechnet Freitag der Dreizehnte, Altes Kaufhaus Oranienplatz, Berlin, Germany (Cat.)

2012 Millefeuilles, Institut français Berlin, Maison de France, Germany (Cat.)

2011 Other Possible Worlds – Dictionary in Space , Centre Emile Hamilius, Casino Luxembourg

2011 Liquidshell, IAC Berlin, Germany

2011 The Power to Host, International Studio & Curatorial Program, ISCP New York, USA (GLOBAL ALIEN)

2011 Hope or Failure, Homeland Gallery, Portland, OR, USA (GLOBAL ALIEN) (Cat.)

2011 Metrospective 1.0, PROGRAM, Berlin, Germany

2010 Test, UferHallen, Berlin, Germany

2010 Schnell & Schmutzig, Markthalle IX, Berlin, Germany

2010 ART TODAY, Louhitalo, Eno, Finland

2010 Step toward Home, Dam Stuhltrager Gallery, Berlin, Germany (GLOBAL ALIEN)

2010 IMPLODED, Mareschstraße, Berlin, Germany

2009 POST.O: The Reverse of TOPOS, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, MOCA, Taiwan (SUMO STUDIO)

2009 IMPORT EXPORT / GLOBAL ALIEN. Rum 46, Århus, Denmark (GLOBAL ALIEN) (Cat.)

2009 MULTIPLECITIES, Noble & Superior Projects, Chicago, IL, USA

2009 Mahn oh Mahn, 1m / min, Emerson Gallery, Berlin, Germany (Cat.)

2009 Slow Revolution, KHB Foyer, Berlin, Germany

2009 ZOOLOGICS, Ballhaus Ost, Berlin, Germany (Cat.)

2008 Istanbul Art Fair - Tüyap, Koridoor Contemporary Art Programs, Turkey (Cat.)

2008 Power of Flower, Museum of Japanese Art and Technology, Manggha, Kraków, Poland (Cat.)

2008 Vabration Lake, Minimal Gallery, Chiang Mai, Thailand (SUMO STUDIO)

2008 Anyway the wind blows, ARTPORT Gallery, Kolonie Wedding, Berlin, Germany

2008 À l’Œuvre ! Ethernal Network, Saint-Thélo, Bretagne, France

2007 How We May Be, Late at Tate, Tate Britain, London, UK

2007 MAFA Show 07, Chelsea College of Art & Design, London, UK (Cat.)

2007 Spécial chantier, ENBA-Lyon, Les Subsistance, France (Cat.)

2006 Prototype for a ENSBA cafeteria, Paris · invitation by Tadashi Kawamata and Jean-Luc Vilmouth (SUMO STUDIO)

2006 Grammaire de la ville, Goethe-Institut Lyon, France (Cat.)

2006 Mark Lewis and Astrid Klein studio, HGB Rundgang, Leipzig, Germany

Publication | Press

2023 “In Fragments” Photo book, Germany.

2023 《食時事》“The Food is Good. The Weather is Nice. What  Have You Been Up To?”, Taiwan, Germany, Cat.

2017 Paratext 21, Hangar, Barcelona, Cat. Paratext #21 - GRAF

2016 The Way Things Go 物.理, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. TFAM | Home | Research | Publication | The Way Things Go

2015 Through the "Interstice", the artist Kuo-Wei Lin took us to discover new "visual" boundary, Hsieh Shan Lien, NCAFROC MAG 國藝會線上誌, October 2015. (Chn) 國藝會線上誌

2015 To capture the invisible presence, ed. by Yang Wan-Ru, ART.INVESTOMENT 典藏投資  No.94 August 2015. (Chn) 典藏藝術網

2015 Artcollector Magazine, ed. by Jason Chung Tang Yen, July 2015 / Online.  Young Blood in Taipei - Art

2015 Ideally, Here Would Be Everything Solid – The Velocity and Illusion of 2014 Taipei Biennale , ed. by Yves CHIU, Modernart No .173  p.42-43. (Chn)

2015 The social science’s practice in Taiwan contemporary art, ed. by Chen Fei-Hao , ART PLUS 藝術地圖 No.46 August 2015. (Chn) 當代藝術中的社會實踐:林國威的間隙個展 | 飛豪 陳 -

2015 Taipei Biennial, The Great Acceleration, The Great Acceleration: The Many Versions of Nature, by Hen-An Chen, exh. cat. Taipei p.69

2015 Taipei Biennial, The Great Acceleration, THE POLITICS OF THE ANTHROPOCENE: Humanity, Things and Reification in Contemporary Art,

          by Nicolas Bourriaud, exh. cat. Taipei p.22 p.45

2014 Art in america magazine, review: Taipei Biennial 2014, ed. by Kevin McGarry / Online. Taipei Biennial 2014 - Reviews - Art in America

2014 24 Artists To Watch 2015, Modern Painters Magazine, December, New york .p.71. 24 Artists to Watch | BLOUIN ARTINFO

2014 Artco Monthly / October, Taiwan. p.114 (Chn)

2013 NO ONE RIVER FLOWS, exh. cat. WHITE FUNGUS magazine.

2013 Preview Berlin, exh. cat.

2013 Berlin Art Link’s Highlight from Preview 2013 / Online.

2012 Ausgerechnet Freitag der Dreizehnte, exh. cat., KHB Berlin.

2012 Millefeuilles, Institut français Berlin, exh. cat.

2011 GLOBAL ALIEN „Hope and Failure“ – Investigating the American Dream, exh. cat. Berlin

2010 Enon Ja Kontiolahden KESÄ 2010, Pielisjokiseutu, Finland (Fi)

2010 GLOBAL ALIEN, Magazine, exh. cat. Berlin

2010 Mahn oh Mahn, exh. cat. Emerson Gallery, Berlin

           ISBN 978-3-00-026860-1

2009 IKEA Explosion, Der Temporary Break Research Magazin, Berlin

2009 ZOOLOGICS, exh. cat. Ballhaus Ost, Berlin

2009 POST.O statement: a curatorial writing, Artco Monthly/September, Taiwan

2009 POST.O in response to locality-FAQ, National Culture and Arts Foundation magazine, September , Taiwan

2008 The ARTIST 2008, exh. cat. Istanbul Art Fair - Tüyap, Turkey

2008 Power of Flower, Musuem of Japanese Art and Technology, Manggha, Kraków, Poland

           ISBN 978-83-924407-9-6

2007 Le & Ly. Grammaire de la Ville, exh. cat. Lyon-Leipzig, France, Germany

           ISBN 3-932865-45-6

2007 MAFA Catalogue, exh. cat. Chelsea College of Art & Design, London

2007 En 1799 l’entrée était déjà là, exh. cat. Les Subsistances ENBA-Lyon, France

           ISBN 2-910616-14-2

2007 Panorama - A Slow Mirage, Revue LAPS, France

Award | Residency

2023 Travel grant for THE MELODY OF REMEDY project, Kunststiftung NRW, Germany

2023 Visiting curators 2023, with Agnieszka Roguski, Künstlerhaus Bremen, Germany

2022 Anarchoresis 隱引, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen, Germany

2020 Grants for Artist in residency, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts (KaMoFA), Taiwan / Gwangju Museum of Art, South of Korea (Postponed)

2020 Global Swarming,, Berlin, Germany (ANDPRESS)

2017 Grants for Artist in residency, Hangar, Barcelona, Ministry of Culture, Taiwan

2015 Award for Young Artist, Solo Exhibition Project Funding. Ministry of Culture, Taiwan

2015 Grants for the arts, The Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs

2014 Grants for the arts, The Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs

2011 Art Workshop, Casino Luxembourg – Forum d'art contemporain, Luxembourg

2011 Korean Arts Council funding

         Danish Arts Council funding

         Travel funding Berliner Senat (GLOBAL ALIEN)

2009 Danish Arts Council funding (GLOBAL ALIEN)

            National Culture and Arts Foundation Taiwan

            Institut français de Taipei, Taiwan

            Taipei Artist Village, TAV Artist in Residence, Taiwan (SUMO STUDIO)

2007 Public art commission 1% artistique LYCEE A BEAUNE LA ROLANDE (45) shortlist (SUMO STUDIO)

2007 ComPeung Artist in Residence Program, Chiang Mai,Thailand (SUMO STUDIO)

2005 BRFE Bourse de la Région Rhône-Alpes, France, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst HGB, Leipzig Germany

2000 National Culture and Arts Award, Taiwan

Talk | Workshop

2024 Essen als Kulturelle Landschaft, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen, Germany

With Evamaria Schaller  and Yipei Lee and more

2023 Lecture, University of Arts Bremen, HfK, Bremen, Germany

2023 Club hopping Art talk, TAV, Taipei, Taiwan

2023 Screening: Alabaster_und von horizonten, RaumPro, Bremen, Germany

2022 Anarchoresis 隱引, Temporary gallery, Cologne, Germany

2022 Anarchoresis 隱引, Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen, Germany

2014 Taipei Biennial, Round Table: Artistes, Machines and Nature

2011 Art Workshop, Casino Luxembourg – Forum d'art contemporain, Luxembourg

2011 Artist Talk, Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland, PNCA, OR, USA (GLOBAL ALIEN)

2011 Artist Talk, Alienation, Thank You Art Day 11' Asia Art Archive (AAA), Hong Kong - Berlin (GLOBAL ALIEN)

2009 Artist Talk, TONGUE LADEN, Berlin, Germany (GLOBAL ALIEN)

2009 Artist Talk, vis-à-vis, POST.O, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, MOCA, Taiwan

2009 Workshop, Berlin-Barcelona: Die Stadt als Text, HANGAR Centre de producció d'Arts Visuals Barcelona, Spain

2008 Skoki Workshop, Poland, initiated by Jaroslaw Kozlowski, Inge Mahn

2005-2006 Workshop, Mémoire en demeure project initiated by Tadashi Kawamata

                      Programme Les Nouveaux Commanditaires, Saint-Thélo, France

2005-2006 Workshop, Symposium, La construction du réel dans l'art contemporain

                      Program of research supported by the Ministry of Culture, France

                      collaboration with CEHTA, EHESS and ENBAL, under the supervision of Giovanni Careri and Bernhard Rüdiger.

                      initiated by Luciano Fabro, Pietro Montani, André Gunthert, Ernst Van Alphen, Mieke Bal and Thomas Shütte.

2005 Artist Talk, Open-Art Contemporary Art Center Taipei, Taiwan


Collaborate with ANDPRESS (since 2019, an artist run self-publishing collective based in Berlin and Taipei)

Co-founded La Calavera (2007, one year art platform project in Villeurbanne)

Co-founded SUMO STUDIO (2006-2009. A group of associated artists who work in public space and develop site-specific projects)

Collaborate with GLOBAL ALIEN (2009-2011, International network of artists and theorists).

© 2025 Kuo-Wei Lin and VG Bildkunst. No reproduction or republication without written permission, all rights reserved.